Join AEGEE-Barcelona

Becoming a member of AEGEE-Barcelona is a simple 3-stage process. The cost is 10€ per year.
The only requirement is to be at least 18 years of age. For more questions check out the FAQ page, or contact us directly.

1. Enter personal details

Let us know about you.

2. Make the payment

Settle your place within the ranks of AEGEE-Barcelona.

3. Join the European website

Where you can sign up for international adventures.

1. New member information

Fill out the new membership form, available in the link below.
We just want to know a bit about you and your motivation for joining :)

2. Pay the annual membership fee

The fee for being a member of AEGEE-Barcelona is of 10€ per year (starting on the day of the first payment).
This needs to be paid by bank transfer to the AEGEE-Barcelona account (Caixa d'Enginyers, ES06 3025 0005 8114 3328 4523). The message of the transfer needs to be "New member" + name and surname of the new member (for example, "New member Amanda López Hernández", even if another person does the transfer in your name).
Once we correctly receive the payment, you will officially be a member of AEGEE-Barcelona, and you will receive a welcome e-mail.

3. Create an account on

Most European activities in AEGEE happen through the website If you intend to attend to European events, you will need to create an account.
Once you sign up, ask to join the body of AEGEE-Barcelona; if you are a member (have completed steps 1 and 2), we will accept you, so you will be able to apply to European events as a member of AEGEE-Barcelona.